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Python | Forgot_pack () and Forgot_grid () method in Tkinter

If we want to cancel the display of any widget from the screen or top level, then the Forgot forget() method is used. There are two types of forget method forget_pack() (similar to forget () ) and forget_grid () , which are used with pack() and grid() method, respectively.

forget_pack ( )

  Syntax:  widget.forget_pack ()  widget  can be any valid widget which is visible. 

Code # 1:

# Imports tkinter and ttk module

from tkinter import *  

from tkinter.ttk import *

# window top level

root = Tk ()

# a way to make the widget invisible
# or remove from top level

def forget (widget):


  # This will remove the widget from the top level

# mostly the widget is not removed

  # it just becomes invisible and loses its position

# and you can get

widget.forget ()

# method to make the widget visible

def retrieve (widget):

widget.pack (fill = BOTH, expand = True )

# Button widgets

b1 = Button (root, text = "Btn 1" )

b1.pack (fill = BOTH, expand = True )

# You see, the Forgot () method is missing in the command

b2 = Button (root, text = "Btn 2 " , command = lambda : forget (b1))

b2.pack (fill = BOTH, expand = True )

# Retrieve () method returned in command

b3 = Button (root, text = "Btn 3 " , command = lambda : retrieve (b1))

b3.pack (fill = BOTH, expand = True )

# infinite loop interrupted by keyboard or mouse
mainloop ()


After forgetting

After search

Note the difference in the position of button 1 before and after forgetting, as well as after retrieving.

forget_grid ()

  Syntax:  widget.forget_grid ()  widget  can be any valid widget which is visible. 

Note. This method can only be used with geometric methods grid() .

Code # 2:

# Imports tkinter and ttk module

from tkinter import *

from tkinter.ttk import *

# top-level window

root = Tk ()

# a way to make the widget invisible
# or remote from top level

def forget (widget):


# This will remove the widget from the top level

# mostly the widget is not removed

# it just becomes invisible and loses its position

# and you can get

widget.grid_forget ()

# method to make the widget visible

def retrieve (widget):

widget.grid (row = 0 , column = 0 , ipady = 10 , pady = 10 , padx = 5 )

# Button widgets

b1 = Button (root, text = "Btn 1" )

b1.grid (row = 0 , column = 0 , ipady   = 10 , pady = 10 , padx = 5 )

# See, the Forgot () method is missing

b2 = Button (root, text = "Btn 2" , command = lambda : forget (b1))

b2.grid (row = 0 , column = 1 , ipady = 10 , pady = 10 , padx = 5 )

# Retrieve () method returned in command

b3 = Button (root, text = "Btn 3" , command = lambda : retrieve (b1))

b3.grid (row = 0 , column = 2 , ipady = 10 , pady = 10 , padx = 5 )

# infinite loop, interrupted by keyboard or mouse
mainloop ()


After forgetting

After searching

Please note that the position of button 1 remains unchanged after forgetting and fetching . With the grid_forget () grid_forget () method, you can place it on any grid after retrieving, but the original grid is usually selected.


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