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Kodi “Nexus” 20.0 Alpha 2 release dated 10/07/2022

The release of Kodi 20.0 Alpha 2 has been slightly delayed. However, the good news is that this has given the developers more time for fixes and additions.

Version 20.0 Alpha 2 includes the following fixes and additions.


Fixed stuttering when opening, closing and reopening the Android Kodi app. One of the team members noticed an issue in a recent release that resulted in media stuttering only after the app was opened, closed, and reopened without force closing.

Another TrueHD fix. Buffers are reduced to a certain level to optimize data throughput.

All local application icons must be fully displayed in Kodi.

Fixed packaging error for binary Python modules (pycryptodome)


Fixed some specific H.265 video crashes


For Android and Apple systems, Python has been upgraded to 3.9.13 in line with the latest release of the CPython 3.9 series. It should be noted that the CPython team has fixed issues raised by members of the Kodi community regarding some crashes. Please note that this does not affect any of the Windows and Linux releases.

File system

Fixed a regression where thumbnails were not displayed when accessed from "remote" filesystems (e.g. WebDAV).


Fixed a situation where subtitles do not work. One forum member was able to provide an extremely helpful example that allowed the team to track down an issue with closed captions not working properly. Incidentally, this also fixes closed captions for some Inputstream.Adaptive streams.

Subtitles (WebVTT)


Clearing the overlay just before creating a new parser

Synchronization of replica timestamps with the beginning of the period


Fixed problem with resuming BluRay

Thumbnail Images

Improved thumbnail quality

Related links

Michael Zippo
[email protected]

Sources: Python.Engineering


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