Python | shutil.unpack_archive () method

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shutil.unpack_archive() in Python is used to unpack an archive file.

Syntax: shutil.unpack_archive (filename [, extract_dir [, format]])

filename: A path-like object representing the full path of archived file. A path-like object is either a string or bytes object representing a path.
extract_dir (optional): A path-like object representing the path of the target directory where the archive is unpacked. A path-like object is either a string or bytes object representing a path. This is an optional parameter and if not provided the current working directory is used as target directory.
formats (optional): A string representing an archive format. The value of format can be any one of "zip‚", "tar‚", "gztar‚", "bztar‚", or "xztar‚" or any other registered unpacking format. This is also an optional parameter and if not provided, the extension of archived file name is used as format. An unpacker must be registered for this extension otherwise ’ValueError’ exception will be raised.

Return Type: This method does not return any value.

Code # 1: Using the shutil.unpack_archive () method to unpack an archive file

# Python program to explain the shutil.unpack_archive () method

# shutil module import

import shutil

# Full path
# archive file

filename = "/ home / User / Downloads /"

# Target directory

extract_dir = "/ home / ihritik / Documnets"

# Archive file format

archive_format = "zip "

# Unpack archive
shutil.unpack_archive (filename, extract_dir, archive_format)

print ( "Archive file unpacked successfully." )

Exit :

 Archive file unpacked successfully. 

Code # 2: Using the shutil.unpack_archive () method to unpack an archive file

# Python program for an explanation of the shutil.unpack_archive () method

# import the shutil module

import shutil

# Full path
# archive file

filename = "/ home / User / Downloads /"

# Unpack the zipped file
shutil.unpack_archive (filename)

print ( "Archive file unpacked successfully. " )

# How to extract_dir and format parameters
# not provided
# shutil.unpack_archive () method will
# unpack the archive file into
# current working directory and extension
# archive file name i.e. zip
# will be taken as unpacking format

Exit :

 Archive file unpacked successfully.