Change language

Python | Line translation ()

There are two ways to translate:

Provide collation as a dictionary

Options :

string.translate (mapping)

mapping - a dictionary having mapping between two characters.
Returns: Returns modified string where each character is mapped to its corresponding character according to the provided mapping table.

# Python3 demo code
# translations without
# maketrans ()

# specifying the display
# using ASCII

table = { 119 : 103 , 121 : 102 , 117 : None

# target string

trg = "weeksyourweeks"

# Printing the original line

print ( "The string before translating is:" , end = "") 

print (trg) 

# using translate () to translate.

print ( "The string after translating is:" , end = "") 

print ( trg.translate (table)) 


 The string before translating is: weeksyourweeks The string after translating is: pythonengineering 

Another example:

# Python 3 program to show it works
# from translate () method

# specifying the display
# using ASCII

translation = { 103 : None , 101 : None , 101 : None }


string = "geeks"

print ( " Original string: " , string)

# line feed

print ( "Translated string:"

string.translate (translation))


 Original string: geeks Translated string: ks 

Provide mapping using

# Python 3 program to show work
# from the translate () method

# First line

firstString = "gef"

# Second line

secondString = "eks"

# Third line

thirdString = "ge"

# Original string

string = "geeks"

print ( " Original string: " , string)


translation = string.maketrans (firstString, 



# Translated string

print ( "Translated string: "

  string.translate ( translation))


 Original string: geeks Translated string: ks 


 Original string: geeks Translated string: ks 


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