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Python String | splitlines ()

Syntax :


Parameters :

keepends (optional) : When set to True line breaks are included in the resulting list.

This can be a number , specifying the position of line break or, can be any Unicode characters , like “”, “”, “”, etc as boundaries for strings.

Returned value:

 Returns a  list  of the lines in the string, breaking at line boundaries. 

The code below shows an illustration of the splitline () method.

Code # 1

# Python code to illustrate splitline ()

string = "Welcome eve ryone to the world of Geeks Python.Engineering "

# Parameters not passed

print (string.splitlines ())

# Specified number passed

print (string.splitlines ( 0 ))

# True was passed

print (string.splitlines ( True ))


 [’Welcome everyone to’,’ the world of Geeks’, ’GeeksforGeeks’] [’ Welcome everyone to’, ’the world of Geeks’,’ GeeksforGeeks’] [’Welcome everyone to’, ’the world of Geeks ’,’ GeeksforGeeks’] 

Code # 2

# Python illustration code splitline ()

string = "Cat Bat Sat Mat Xat Eat "

# Parameters not passed

print (string.splitlines ())

# splitlines () in one line

print ( ’India Japan USA UK Canada’ . splitlines ())


 [’Cat’,’ Bat’, ’ Sat’, ’Mat’,’ Xat’, ’Eat’] [’ India’, ’Japan’,’ USA’, ’UK’,’ Canada’] 
Practical Application:
In this code we will understand how to use the splitlines () concept to calculate the length of each word in a line.

# Python code to get the length of each word

def Cal_len (string):


# Using splitlines () split into list

li = string.splitlines ()

  print (li)


# Calculate length each word

l = [ len (element) for element in li]

return l

Driver code

string = "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks"

print (Cal_len (string))


 [’Welcome’,’ to’, ’GeeksforGeeks’] [7, 2, 13] 


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