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object .__ new__ in Python

Constructs an instance of the class.

object .__ new __ (cls [, ...])

-> object

cls - Reference to the type (class) for which object construction is requested.

... - Positional and / or named arguments that play role in the process of constructing an instance. These are the same arguments that are passed to the call to the class. 


The method is mainly used to modify the process of creating both an instance of a class and the class itself ... For the latter case, it can be defined in the metaclass.

  class Something: 

def __new __ (cls, * args, * * kwargs):
print (f’ construct: {args} | {kwargs} ’)

instance = super () .__ new __ (cls)

# and suddenly we wanted to add attribute on the fly
instance.new_attribute = ’added’

print (’ almost done’)

return instance

def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs):
print (f’ initialize: {args} | {kwargs} ’)
print (self.new_attribute)

my_obj = Something (’ time’, other = 4 )
# construct: (’time’,) | {’other’: 4}
# almost done
# initializing: (’ time’,) | {’other’: 4}
# added

my_obj.new_attribute #’ added’


The method is static, but for simplicity Python allows you to omit @staticmethod explicitly.

The result is expected to be __ new __ () will be an object. This is usually an instance of the cls class, which is created by calling the parent __new __ () . If an object is returned, then __init __ () will be called for it. In this case, the first argument ( self ) for this __init __ () will be the mentioned created instance, and the rest of the arguments will be those passed when calling the class.


If the method returns None , then __init __ () is not called.


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