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Draw Indian flag using Matlab

Approach to drawing the Indian flag

  • First, we need to create a 300X600X3 matrix and fill it with white. 300 — the number of lines, and 600 — number of columns. Color image requires 3 channels, so 3 represents the RGB (red, green, blue) channel.
     img = uint8 (zeros (300, 600, 3)) 
  • Divide the matrix by three pieces (0-100) rows for saffron color, (101-200) rows for white and Ashoka chakra, (201-300) rows for green.
  • Fill in the matrix with saffron color (255, 153 , 51) from the 1st row to the 100th row.
     img (1: 100, 1: 600, 1) = 255; img (1: 100, 1: 600, 2) = 153; img (1: 100; 1: 600, 3) = 51; 
  • Fill the matrix with green (19, 136, 8) from line 201 to 300.
     img (201: 300, 1: 600, 1) = 19; img (201: 300, 1: 600, 2) = 136; img (201: 300, 1: 600, 3) = 8; 
  • To make the Ashoka chakra, first we need to understand the equation of distance between two given coordinates.
     (distance)  2  = (x2-x1)  2  + (y2-y1)  2  

    (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) — two given coordinates.

  • Using the above equation, we can make a circle of the ashok chakra. The coordinates of the center of the matrix and the circle (150, 300). To draw a circle, the inner radius is 40 and the outer radius is 45.
  • for i = 1 : 300

    for j = 1 : 600

    if ( sqrt (power ( 150 - i, 2 ) + power ( 150 - j , 2 ))" = 40 & amp; & amp; 

    sqrt (power ( 150 - i, 2 ) + power ( 150 - j, 2 )) " = 45 )

    img (i, j, 1 ) = 0

    img (i, j, 2 ) = 0

    img (i, j, 3 ) = 128




  • The angle between two adjacent spokes of the ashoka chakra is (360 / n) = 15 o , where n (number of spokes) = 24. atand — this is a MATLAB function used to determine the angle.
  • for i = 110 : 190

    for j = 260 : 340

    dist = ( sqrt (power (i - 150 , 2 ) + power (j - 300 , 2 ))); 

    k = round (atand (( 300 - j) / ( 150 - i))); 

    if dist " = 40 & amp; & amp; mod (k, 15 ) = = 0

    img (i, j, 1 : 2 ) = 0




The implementation is shown below:

% MATLAB code for drawing the Indian flag

% initialization of the zero matrix 300X600X3
flag = uint8 (zeros (300, 600, 3)); 
flag (:,:,:) = 255; 
% Saffron
flag (1: 100,:, 1) = 255; 
flag (1: 100,:, 2) = 153; 
flag (1: 100,:, 3) = 51; 

% Green
flag (200: 300,:, 1) = 19; 
flag (200: 300,:, 2) = 136; 
flag (200: 300,:, 3) = 8; 

% Ashok chakra

for i = 1: 300

for j = 1: 600

if sqrt (power (i-150, 2) + power (j-300, 2))" = 40

if sqrt (power (i-150, 2) + power (j-300, 2)) "= 45

flag (i, j, 1: 2) = 0; 




for i = 110: 190

for j = 260: 340

dist = ( sqrt (power (i-150, 2) + power (j-300, 2))); 

k = round (atand ((300-j) / (150-i)) ); 

if dist "= 40 & amp ; & amp; mod (k, 15) == 0

flag (i, j, 1: 2 ) = 0; 



% display the matrix as an image
figure, imshow (flag); 



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