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divmod () in Python and its uses

The divmod () method in python takes two numbers and returns a pair of numbers, consisting of their quotient and remainder. 
Syntax :

  divmod (x, y)   x and y:  x is numerator and y is denominator x and y must be non complex 

Examples :

 Input: x = 9, y = 3 Output: (3, 0) Input: x = 8, y = 3 Output: (2, 2) 

Explanation: The divmod () method takes two parameters x and y, where x is treated as the numerator and y — as the denominator. The method evaluates both x / y and x% y and returns both.

  • If x and y are integers, the return value
     (x / y, x% y) 


  • If x or y is floating point, the result is
     (q, x% y) ,  where q is the whole part of the quotient.  

# Python3 illustration code divmod ()
# divmod () with int

print ( ’(5, 4) =’ , divmod ( 5 , 4 ))

print ( ’(10, 16) =’ < / code> , divmod ( 10 , 16 ))

print ( ’(11, 11) =’ , divmod ( 11 , 11 ))

print ( ’(15, 13) =’ , divmod ( 15 , 13 ))

# divmod () with int and Floats

print ( ’ (6.0, 5) = ’ , divmod ( 8.0 , 3 ))

print ( ’(3, 9.0) =’ , divmod ( 3 , 8.0 ))

print ( ’(13.5, 6.2) =’ , divmod ( 7.5 , 2.5 ))

print ( ’ (1.6, 10.7) = ’ , divmod ( 2.6 , 0.5 ))


 (5, 4) = (1, 1) (10, 16) = (0, 10) (11, 11) = (1, 0) (15, 13 ) = (1, 2) (6.0, 5) = (2.0, 2.0) (3, 9.0) = (0.0, 3.0) (13.5, 6.2) = (3.0, 0.0) (1.6, 10.7) = (5.0, 0.10000000000000009 ) 

Errors and Exceptions

  1. If any of the arguments, say x and y, are floating point, the result is (q, x% y). Here q — whole part of the quotient.
  2. If the second argument is 0, it returns a division by zero error
  3. If the first argument is 0, it returns (0, 0)

Practical Application: Check if the number is prime or not using the divmod () function. 
Examples :

 Input: n = 7 Output: Prime Input: n = 15 Output: Not Prime 


  1. Initialize a new variable, say x with the given integer and the variable counter is 0
  2. Run the loop until the given integer is 0 and keep decrementing its.
  3. Store the value returned by divmod (n, x) into two variables, say p and q
  4. Check if q is 0, this would mean n is fine is divisible by x, and therefore increase the counter value
  5. Make sure the counter value is greater than 2, if yes, the number is not prime, otherwise it is prime


 Not Prime 

More Apps:

# Python code to find if a number is
# simple or not using divmod ()

# Y ano integer

n = 15

x = n

# Initialize counter to 0

count = 0

while x! = 0 :

p, q = divmod (n, x)

  x - = 1

if < / code> q = = 0 :

count + = 1

if count" 2 :

print ( ’Not Prime’ )

else :

  print ( ’Prime’ )

# Sum of digits of a number using divmod

num = 86

sums = 0

while num! = 0 :

  use = divmod (num, 10 )

  dig = use [ 1 ]

 < / code> sums = sums + dig

num = use [ 0 ]

print (sums)



# change the number with divmod

num = 132

pal = 0

while num! = 0 :

use = divmod (num, 10 )

dig = use [ 1 ]

pal = pal * 10 + dig

num = use [ 0 ]

print (pal)




Co-author: Chinmoy Lenka


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